How To Choose The Right Car Seat
Whether you are searching for the most affordable car seat, the easiest to install car seat or just looking for the mother of all car seats, we have have you covered.

Picking a car seat can be confusing. You want the safest one, but how do you know which is the right one? We give you the lowdown - from infant car seats that can adapt to a travel system that will give you a better bang for your buck.
The Convenient Lightweight
Made in the USA, the Mico AP by Maxi-Cosi is designed to be one of the lightest infant car seats available. With Air Protect Side Impact Technology and specialized fabric to keep baby cool and dry in the summer, this infant car seat has a lot to offer. The fabric can be removed for washing, and it holds a maximum weight of up to 22lbs and 29 inches, which means your child could easily get up to 8 months of use out of it. This infant car seat adapts seamlessly to any of the Maxi-Cosi strollers as well as the big named brands such as Uppababy, Stoke and Bugaboo. Thus making journeys with baby, a breeze.
The New Arrival
The long awaited Mesa by UppaBaby was available in the U.S. two years before Canadians were allowed to get our hands on it. This top rated car seat has innovative safety features (SMARTsecure system), and is the first to receive a 5-Star Rating to NHSTA proposed standards for side impact protection. Suitable for preemies starting at 4lbs and up to 35lbs and 32 inches, this car seat will be sure to give you maximum use. The SMARTsecure system located in the base of the car seat will allow just about anyone to install it in under 10 seconds. It fits directly into the Uppababy Vista and Cruz without a purchase of an adapter, and if you don't have an Uppababy stroller, adapters are also available for other brands too.
The Fashion Icon
Family owned and made in Italy, The Primo Viaggio SIP 5-65 Convertible by Peg Perego screams luxury and comfort. Made from high quality fabric, thisbreathable car seat is easy to clean and absorbs moisture, which enables your child to remain cool and comfortable. Starting at 5lbs (rear-facing) to 45lbs and going up to 65lbs and 49" (forward facing) this car seat will last for years. Not luxurious enough? How about getting the Alcantara which can be custom made to match the interiors of your car and yacht.
The Standards Setting car seat
Made in the USA with more than 70 years of experience in the industry and originating from aviation design and technology, Britax offers one of the safest award winning convertible car seats available in North America. The Advocate ClickTight by Britax, like other Britax car seats, features ClickTight Installation, which ensures everyone can easily and securely install this car seat by just buckling in the seatbelt. It's SafeCell Impact Protection goes far beyond federal safety standards, and with its SafeCell Complete Side Impact Protection MAX, it offers Britax's highest level of protection. While its choice of fabric options are limited and it is not the slimmest of carseats on the market, it certainly is one of the safest.
The Mother of all Car Seats
The Foonf by Clek was designed with no compromises. Composed with revolutionary safety technology and innovative convenient features, you couldn't find a better designed car seat. At 17 inches wide at the base, the Foonf is one of the narrowest convertible car seats available, making fitting those triplets in the back seats possible. The Foonf offers extended rear-facing use until 4 years old, Rigid Sub-Structure reinforced by steel and magnesium and advanced side impact protection that is NCAP tested. The best thing about this car seat is the fabric is all Crypton treated, which means all the fabrics are stain resistant and waterproof. No more dirty car seats. Purchase Clek's Infant Thingy (yes, that is really what they called it) to adapt the carseat for your newborn.
September 13, 2016
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