10 Ways to Travel Safely & Responsibly in BC This Summer
British Columbia is currently in Phase 2 of BC’s Restart Plan. As the province moves toward Phase 3, and restrictions further begin to ease, travelling in BC may be a little different this year. We’ll need to take more time with planning, and be more conscious of our impact on communities—especially the smaller ones, when we visit. As a starting point, Destination BC has compiled 10 tips to help you plan and travel responsibly in BC this summer, when the time is right.
See the HelloBC.com accommodations listings, transportation listings, and experience provider listings to start your research, and contact the local Visitor Centre for more information.
Visit Leave No Trace and BC Wildfire to learn more.
AdventureSmart is a great resource to get informed before heading outdoors.
See Know Before You Go to learn more about what’s open, or contact the local Visitor Centre.
See What’s Open in BC by Community to learn where you can support local businesses.